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66mm Muffin Suction Cup

BST metal detectable muffin suction cups feature extra wide bases and are available in three different sizes for small, medium and large muffins.

Katalógové číslo: CU4MMC26317MT Kategórie: ,


Vacuum depanner belts with silicone suction cups are widely used throughout the baking industry as a fast and effective method of extracting bakery products from oven pans on a moving conveyor belt. The heat and speed of this process results in inevitable wear on silicone based suction cups. BST metal detectable silicone suction cups are designed to reduce the risk of silicone fragments contaminating food products during the depanning process, BST suction cups contain an evenly dispersed metal detectable additive, making the cup and its fragments detectable by correctly calibrated in line metal detection systems.

Their metal detectable properties and extensive food contact approvals make BST metal detectable suctions cups the ideal vacuum depanner suction cup. Our cups are available in a variety of styles to suit different applications, hard cups for bread loafs, soft cups for morning goods such as pastries, and extra wide soft cups for muffins.

BST metal detectable suction cups are a cost effective solution for preventing contamination, cost far less than product wastage and definitely less than a damaged reputation due to a product recall.

Product Name: Muffin Suction Cup (66mm)

Product Code: CU4MMC26317MT

Cup Material: Silicone with metal detectable additive

Cup Colour: Terracotta

Diameter: 66mm

Hole Size: 17mm

Suitability: Muffin suction cups feature extra wide bases and are available in three different sizes for small, medium and large muffins

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